Monday, January 24, 2011

How one church moved into the neighbourhood...

One area that we sense God is calling us to undertake is to adopt-a-block in our respective communities.

Imagine your family/roommates adopting the block you live in and regularly walking around that block and praying for the individuals in each of those homes and giving focused attention to developing a relationship with them.

We envision some of you hosting a neighbourhood barbeque as a way of reaching out and getting to know your neighbours.

In time, as relationships are formed, you can offer to pray for their needs, and help them in any practical way possible, help them to paint a fence, or to do some renovations, babysit their children for an evening, shovel their walk, take food over when sickness strikes their family, and/or have them over from time to time for fun and fellowship.

As your family/friends consistently prays and serves and just has fun with these new friends, it will only be a matter of time before they will begin to inquire about your faith and come to the Lord.

As you mentor them in their new faith, you can invite them to join you in praying and reaching out to the rest of the people on your block and to become part of your small group.

It's not you doing the work, God is already there to begin with!

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